Orgullosos de lo que dicen nuestros clientes de T'estimu Moda Hombre.
No hay mejor prueba social que lo que cuentan los clientes
Pon este cupón en la página de pago y tendrás el 15% de descuento
We couldn't take it anymore!
We just changed our website prices to the biggest discount of the year!
Up to 40% discount on EVERYTHING .
And the minimum discount we have is 20% (WE HAVE NEVER DONE THIS BEFORE).
You just have to add it to the cart and finish your purchase.
In addition, we extend changes and returns until February 1, 2022, so you can take advantage and buy to give away at Christmas and Kings without fear ;)
But remember, it's ONLY TODAY (advance from 9:00 p.m. today, Thursday, to 12:00 a.m. tomorrow, Friday).
Hurry up because we just communicated it and what you like the most is soon sold out, don't stay out!
A hug
Rose of T'estimu
PS: A secret: during the weekend we will have other offers, but they will NOT be the same as on Black Friday. The best is TODAY, we only do this 1 day a year, on Friday at 23:59 it's over.
Orgullosos de lo que dicen nuestros clientes de T'estimu Moda Hombre.
No hay mejor prueba social que lo que cuentan los clientes